Zoning Hearing Board Meeting (Decision for Panattoni Hearing Case #230001)

This event has ended

July 13, 2023 Meeting Agenda

Draft Minutes of the April 27, 2023 Meeting

Link to Case #230001 Zoning Hearing File

The Mount Joy Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a special public meeting on Thursday, July 13, 2023 at 6:00 P.M., prevailing time, at The Young Center For Anabaptist Studies on the Elizabethtown College campus, One Alpha Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 17022 (GPS Address of the Young Center: 400 Campus Road, Elizabethtown, PA 17022), to render a decision on the following application, which follows the close of all testimony and public comment at the Thursday, April 27, 2023 hearing. The public is cordially invited to attend the meeting.  No further testimony, argument, or public comment shall take place at this special meeting.  Persons with disabilities who require any auxiliary aid, service, or other accommodation to observe should contact the Township Office at least five days before the above date to discuss how your needs may be best accommodated. 

ZHB Case #230001 – Applicant: PDC Northeast LPIV, LLC, 2442 Dupont Drive, Irvine, CA 92612 – Landowner: Franklin B. Greiner, Jr., 1650 Steel Way, Mount Joy, PA 17552 – Property Information: Tax Parcel ID #461-89922-0-0000, located at 2843 Mount Pleasant Road, Mount Joy, PA 17552 and within the LI, Light Industrial District – Applicant is seeking approval of the following section of Chapter 135 of the Code of Ordinances of the Township of Mount Joy, i.e. the Mount Joy Township Zoning Ordinance of 2012, as amended: special exceptions pursuant to Article XVII, §135-163.B & §135-163.C to permit an industrial use on the subject property. The applicant desires to construct a 1,006,880-sf. warehouse and associated improvements.


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